MetalFX – it’s an another dimension. SJ publishing-printing house is the only printing house in the Baltic States that has implemented a licensed MetalFX technology and has practice using it in. It doesn’t matter what you need – exceptional catalogues, representation publications or non-standard packaging – Saulius Jokuzys printing house will help you to stand out in the crowd.
A new world of metallic colours
MetalFX is a revolutionaty concept for the printing industry and was born from an idea to create dazzling print effects, while minimizing the cost implications often associated with the printing of metallic colours. Through using MetalFX, you can incorporate 104 million metallic colours and shades into a lifeless piece of artwork, to produce eye-catching results, while only printing a five colour printing press. We use silver and gold dyes in our printing house. Silver produces any shade of cold shimmer and gold creates warm metallic reds, inspiring gold or bronze shades.
How does it work?
Silver or gold MFX colour is printed first on a five colour press. Then over it traditional CMYK colours are printed. Because of the strong shine and transparency of the MFX, the metallic shade shines through creating the whole spectre of metallic colours. The colour matching is checked according to MFX palletes. The discrepancies are kept to minimum and exact colours are obtained.
The colours can be checked using : DuPont Cromalin, Fuji Final Proof GxT, Kodak Approval, Kodak First Check, Latran Predictin ir Machine/Wet proofing programs. Programs used for designing are: QuarkXpress, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Artpro, Macromedia Freehand.
Designers can create stunning effects with SpecialFX:
- LiteFX is used in elements which, depending on the illumination angle, create an effect of changing colour. This technique is used when you want parts of the publishing to outstand or to create an illusion of movement on the page.
- HoloFX is used for subliminal and hidden metallic elements – when the page is moved, the changing light, makes the element “disappear”. It is recommended to use only silver shades.
- SecurityFX is used for coupons, tickets, security labels, etc. when you wish to avoid counterfeiting. While mixing LiteFX and HoloFX techniques you can create publishings that are impossible to copy or create indentical designs because the shiny MetalFX particles reflect light, so without the original layout, it’s impossible.
- Metallic Tint Panels brighten your CMYK prints.
MFX colours can be chosen form colour palletes and thus create sophisticated designs.
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